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        Allusion as Narrative Premise in Brahms's Instrumental Music, Musical Meaning and Interpretation                      Series, ed. Robert Hatten (Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, May 2018)



                                 Paul Berry, in Music & Letters 101/3 (August 2020): 594-97

                                 Christopher Reynolds, in Notes: Quarterly Journal of the Music Library

                                      Association 75/4 (June 2019): 651-54


Edited Collection

         Brahms and the Influence of Beethoven: Special issue of Nineteenth-Century Music

                          Review (Cambridge University Press) 18/2 (August 2021)

                                  Preface by Jeremy Yudkin and articles by Christopher Reynolds, Jacquelyn Sholes,

                                        William Horne, Styra Avins, and Daniel Beller-McKenna


Articles and Book Chapters

          Chapter on Brahms in The Composer-Conductor Figure in the Nineteenth and Twentieth

                      Centuries, ed. Roberto Illiano (Turnhout: Brepols, forthcoming in 2026) (in progress)


          "D-Minor Concertos and Symphonies in the Brahms-Schumann Circle in the 1850s: Cross-                                      Relationships and the Influence of Beethoven," Nineteenth-Century Music Review 18/2

                     (2021): 209-40


          "Music for Birthdays: Commemorative Birthday Pieces in Johannes Brahms's Circle (1853-54)

                      and Elsewhere," in Cultures of Memory in the Nineteenth Century: Consuming

                      Commemoration, ed. Katherine Grenier and Amanda Mushal (New York: Palgrave

                      Macmillan, 2020): 61-80


          "On Meaning in Brahms's Symphonies," in Symphonism in Nineteenth-Century Europe, ed. Jose

                      José Ignacio Suárez García and Ramõn Sobrino, Speculum musicae 35 (Turnhout: Brepols,

                      2020): 147-59


          "Joseph Schillinger's Project for Walt Disney and Disney's Fantasia: Conflicting Approaches to

                      Mixing 'High-' and 'Low-Brow' in the Era of Modernism, in Pop Culture Matters:

                      Proceedings of the 39th Conference of the Northeast Popular Culture Association, ed. Martin

                      F. Norden and Robert E. Weir (Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2019),



          "Gustav Jenner and the Music of Brahms: The Case of the Orchestral Serenades,Nineteenth-                                   Century Music Review 15/2 (2018), 237-72


           "Brahms, Johannes," in A-R Online Music Anthology (A-R Editions), <>,                                2018


           "Joseph Joachim's Overture to Hamlet in Relation to Shakespeare and Liszt," Ad Parnassum: A                               Journal of Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century Instrumental Music 14/28 (October

                       2016): 37-76


            A. Friedman, J. F. Slocum, D. Tyulmankov, L. G. Gibb, A. Altschuler, S. Ruangwises, Q. Shi, S. E.                        Toro Arana, D. W. Beck, J. E. C. Sholes, & A. M. Graybiel, "Analysis of Complex Neural                           Networks with Non-Linear Multi-Dimensional Hidden State Models," Proceedings of the                             National Academy of Sciences 113/23 (7 June 2016): 6538-43.

                       (Contributed to design of musical component of the study)


             "Goldbert, Albert," "Starr, Kay," "Trent, Jo," and "Washington, Fredi" and revisions to "Feldman,                           Mary Ann," "Fleming, Shirley (Moragne)," and "Galkin, Elliot W(ashington)," The Grove                             Dictionary of American Music, 2nd ed. Ed. Charles Hiroshi Garrett (New York: Oxford                                 University Press), 2013


              "A 'Cremation Cantata'? The Dramatic Conclusion of the Brahms-Wesendonck                                                       Correspondence," Ars Lyrica 21 (2012): 155-72


               "Brahms, Mathilde Wesendonck, and the Would-Be 'Cremation Cantata," The American Brahms                         Society Newsletter 30/2 (2012): 1-5


               "Lovelorn Lamentation or Histrionic Historicism? Reconsidering Allusion and Extramusical                                 Meaning in the 1854 Version of Brahms's B-Major Trio," 19th-Century Music 34/1 (2010):                           61-86



            Review of Niels Wilhelm Gade, Symphony No. 1, op. 5 (Kassel: Bärenreiter, 2021). Notes:

                    Quarterly Journal of the Music Library Association 80/1 (Sept. 2023): 190-93


            Review of To a Camia: Piano Music from Romantic Manila, Sally Pinkas (piano). MSR Classics

                    MS 1645, 2019, compact disc. Nineteenth-Century Music Review 19 (2022): 363-66


             Review of Scott Messing, Self-Quotation in Schubert: "Ave Maria," the Second Piano Trio, and

                    Other Works (Rochester: Rochester University Press, 2020). Music & Letters 102/4 (2021):



              Review of Joseph Joachim, Fantasy on Hungarian Themes (1850), Fantasy on Irish [Scottish]

                    Themes (1852) for Violin and Orchestra, piano reduction, ed. Katharina Uhde, arr. Martin   

                    Schelhaas (Kassel: Bärenreiter, 2018). Nineteenth-Century Music Review 18/2 (2021): 337-40


              Review of Katharina Uhde, The Music of Joseph Joachim (Martlesham: Boydell & Brewer,

                    2018). Nineteenth-Century Music Review 18/1 (2021): 155-60


              "Johannes Brahms and Clara Schumann" [Review of Johannes Brahms: Concerto for Violin and                       Orchestra in D Major, op. 77; Clara Schumann: Three Romances for Violin and Piano, op.                           22, Lisa Batiashvili (violin), Alice Sara Ott (piano), and the Staatskapelle Dresden,                                       conducted by Christian Thielemann. Deutsche Grammophon 0289 479 0075 3 CD DDD GH,                       2013, compact disc]. Nineteenth-Century Music Review 11/1 (2014): 167-69


               Review of Hans von Bülow's Letters to Johannes Brahms: A Research Edition, ed. Hans-                                Joachim Hinrichsen, trans. Cynthia Klohr (Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press, 2011). The                                  Journal of Musicological Research 31/4 (2012): 336-39


               "Brahms Serenades Revisited" [Review of Johannes Brahms, Neue Ausgabe sämtlicher Werke,                         Ser. 5, Bd. 1: Serenaden]. Notes: Quarterly Journal of the Music Library Association 67/1                           (2010): 180-83


Other Publications

                "Welcome to Boston in 2019," American Musicological Society Newsletter 49/1 (February 2019),

                    1 and 6



Featured Guest Speaker, "Brahms and the Passage of Time: Roundtable with Jacquelyn Sholes," Cornell

       University Music Department, Cornell Center for Historical Keyboards, Virtual, 18 June 2021   



"Cross-Relationships in the D-Minor Orchestral Works of the Brahms-Schumann Circle," Fall meeting of the

       Allegheny Chapter of the American Musicological Society, Gannon University, 19 October 2019


"D-Minor Concertos and Symphonies of the Brahms-Schumann Circle in the 1850s: Cross-Relationships

       and Mutual Influences," Fall meeting of the Mid-Atlantic Chapter of the American Musicological

       Society, Rowan University, 5 October 2019


"Women as Artists, Composers, and Patrons in Nineteenth-Century Europe: Rosa Bonheur, Clara Schumann,

       Princess Mathilde, and Mathilde Wesendonck," Joint lecture with art historian Leanne Zalewski (Assoc.

       Prof., Central Connecticut State University), European Studies Program, Central Connecticut State

       University, 25 April 2019


"The Canon as Challenge to Iconic and Obscure Composers Alike: Case Studies in Brahms and Jenner," The

        Idea of Canon in the Twenty-First Century, Musicology and the Present Conference Series, 22-23

       September 2018


"Johannes Brahms and the Romantic Concerto and Symphony: Contexts and Examples," Sponsored by the

        Phi Beta Kappa Association of Boston, Boston University, 5 May 2018


"Joseph Schillinger & the Reception of Walt Disney's Fantasia, Annual meeting of the Northeast Popular              Culture / American Culture Association, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, 28 October 2017


"Romanticism and Nationalism in Nineteenth-Century Music," Discovery Lecture Series, Indian Hill                    Music Center, 16 September 2017


"Commemorative Birthday Pieces in Johannes Brahms's Circle, 1853-54," National Meeting of the                        Nineteenth-Century Studies Association, Charleston, SC, 4 February 2017


"Brahms's First Piano Concerto and the Struggle for Artistic Autonomy," Symposium: Footsteps of a Giant:           Brahms and the Influence of Beethoven, The Center for Beethoven Research, Boston University, 30               November 2016


"Interpreting Joachim's Overture to Hamlet and Its Relationship to Liszt," International Conference: Joseph          Joachim at 185, Goethe Institut, Boston, MA, 17 June 2016


"Joseph Schillinger and American Academia" [Poster presentation], National Meeting of the Society for               American Music, Boston, MA, 9-13 March 2016


"Gustav Jenner and the Music of Brahms"  [Poster presentation], North American Conference on                           Nineteenth-Century Music, Merrimack College, 16-18 July 2015


"Two Generations of Homage and Historical Self-Positioning: Musical Memory in the Serenades of Brahms         and Gustav Jenner" [Colloquium], Department of Musicology & Ethnomusicology Lecture Series,                 Boston University, 4 March 2015


"Gustav Jenner and the Music of Brahms: The Orchestral Serenades," Fall meeting of the Greater New York          Chapter of the American Musicological Society, New York, NY, 18 October 2014


"Tragic Antiquarianism in the Finale of Brahms's Fourth Symphony," Fall meeting of the Mid-Atlantic                  Chapter of the American Musicological Society, University of Pennsylvania, 6 October 2012

© 2025 by Jacquelyn Sholes

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